And the winner is...

Ponte Storto

and the winners are...

Annie and Bert


There are seven "Ponte Storto,"  or "crooked bridge," a name that makes reference to the insular structure of the city and how it grew.
For centuries the islands were joined only by boat and a few bridges, so there was no need for the the streets on different islands to be aligned. As more bridges were built, they had to join these nonaligned streets, so they couldn't be perpendicular to the rio and had to be built at an angle.

                        Ponte Storto at San Marco

There is one Ponte Storto in Cannaregio, by the San Marcuola church; one in San Polo, near Campo S. Aponal; another one joining San Polo and Santa Croce, behind Campo San Boldo; two in Castello: one in Campo San Martin, and the other on Rio San Zaninovo; one in San Marco, near La Fenice; and one in Dorsoduro, on Rio de la Madona near Santa Maria Maggiore.

The runners-up are Ponte Novo (five; although two are followed by the name of the "contrada"  - Ponte Novo San Felice and Ponte Novo de Santa Marta) and Ponte del Cristo (three).

There are discrepancies between different sources when it comes to naming anything Venetian, bridges are no exception. I followed the pages of "
Calli, Campielli e Canali," Edizione Helvetica, 1999, which, for the most part, coincides with the names given in the new and wonderful,"Venezia, I Ponti" by Daniele Resini, Vianello Libri, 2011.